RAC has been hosting bstreetsmart in Western Australia since 2012, and in this time more than 95,000 secondary school students have attended.

RAC bstreetsmart features a crash scene re-enactment attended by the emergency services, just as it would occur at a real crash site. The students also have the opportunity to listen to speakers who have been directly impacted by road trauma and talk with emergency services personnel.

Upcoming Events

Date: Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 March 2025
Venue: RAC Arena
Times: Arrival from 9am for 10:15am start, and concludes at 1:45pm (anticipated latest departure)

Register now   

Never been to RAC bstreetsmart? Check out our short video to see what it's all about.

For regional schools

RAC Project Road Smart® is a free road safety event for senior schools in regional WA. Like RAC bstreetsmart the event program features a crash re-enactment, which has been filmed as a docudrama and showcases the response by real-life emergency services. Students also hear from guest speakers who have been directly affected by road trauma.

RAC Project Road Smart®

Event day information

Information on preparing for event day and getting to and from RAC Arena