158 people were killed on WA roads in 2023.

We all share a responsibility to use roads, shared paths and footpaths safely. Anyone can make a mistake that leads to a crash, so it’s important we avoid behaviours that increase the likelihood of crashes. This includes speeding and driving while distracted, fatigued or under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.


Speeding (or driving at a speed inappropriate for the road conditions) is the leading behavioural factor contributing to fatal crashes on WA roads, which is why RAC advocates for safe speed limits which are appropriately enforced.

Increasing your speed, even by just a few kilometres an hour, increases your breaking distance and significantly increases the risk of a crash, serious injury and death.


Inattention is one of the leading behavioural causes of death and serious injury on our roads. Inattention may occur for many reasons, including phone usage, fatigue, stress, and passenger distraction. A 2021 RAC survey found 40 per cent of young motorists have used their mobile phone while driving, and 97 per cent have seen someone else using their phone behind the wheel.

To help combat the growing distraction epidemic on our roads, RAC launched the Look Up campaign, which encourages drivers to focus on what's most important; getting to their destination safely.

Drive in the moment

Learn about the dangers of distracted driving and how you can reduce your mobile phone use behind the wheel, with our new Drive in the Moment online toolkit.

Find out more


Fatigue is a silent killer. Driving tired slows down your reaction time and decreases your alertness.

The reaction time of a driver who has been awake for 17 to 19 hours is similar to that of a driver with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05. If you're too tired to drive, don't drive. If you can safely share the responsibility, plan breaks every two hours and switch drivers throughout your trip.

Alcohol and drugs

There is never an excuse for drink or drug driving. It doesn’t take much to put you over the limit, and when your blood alcohol level reaches 0.05, your risk of crashing doubles.

Alcohol and drugs affect decision-making, reaction times, speed and distance judgements. They also impact concentration, balance and alertness and can give drivers a false sense of confidence, which encourages risk taking.

Change your driving for the better

We offer a range of workshops and initiatives to help you and other road users stay safe on WA roads. You can become an even better driver by using the RAC Go app, which offers insights into your driving habits and tips on how to drive safely. We also offer a range of community education workshops, including towing and bike riding.

RAC's position on safe road users

RAC advocates for all Western Australians, whether they are wheeling, walking, riding, using public transport, driving or being driven.

These documents outline our public policy positions, and what we are calling on from the State and Federal Governments to support better mobility for Western Australians.

RAC Public Policy

Federal Priorities for Western Australia

State Budget Submission