RAC's vision is for a safe, sustainable and connected future for all Western Australians

Car Graphic


We want fewer people killed and seriously injured on our roads.
Windmill graphic


We want to reduce harmful vehicle emissions for cleaner, healthier air.
Bus graphic


We want well-planned communities and transport that better connect people and places.
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RAC Public Policy

RAC's Public Policy document outlines where we stand on matters relating to our vision.

View or download the report here (PDF 5MB)
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Our top policy priorities

Regional road safety upgrades

Invest in safety upgrades across as much of the regional network as possible.

More electric vehicles

Accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles.

Less reliance on cars

Invest in active travel, micromobility, and public transport.

Safer intersections

Roll out intersection safety treatments on local urban roads and on major highways.

Improved fuel quality and emissions standards

Implement better fuel quality, tight noxious emissions standards and impactful mandatory fuel efficiency standards.

More affordable transport

Freeze vehicle registration fees and public transport fares for three years.

Safer speed limits

Trial and implement speed limit reductions.

Road user charging

Develop a new road user charging model encompassing all vehicles, to replace the array of existing fees and charges.

Better planning of our communities

Design communities that encourage social interaction, connect people with opportunities and facilities, and improve mobility.