Western Australians are being urged to call out the most dangerous roads and intersections in our state, as part of RAC’s biggest road safety survey.

Nominations are now open for RAC Risky Roads 2024, which encourages our community to name the roads and intersections they believe are in urgent need of upgrades, in Perth and across regional WA.

RAC General Manager External Relations Will Golsby said the survey, which first ran in 2008, is an important opportunity to shine a spotlight on road safety.

“Risky Roads is an opportunity for all Western Australians to have their say and call for more action on road safety,” Mr Golsby said.

“No one knows our roads better than the people who drive, ride, walk or cycle on them every day, and we all have that particular street or intersection that makes us feel unsafe.”

“It could be anything from a local road which is narrow and feels dangerous to drive, to a suburban intersection that’s difficult to cross during peak hour – or a high-speed country road, with soft shoulders and a rough surface.

“This is an opportunity to push for positive change and make the roads safer for all road users – whether you’re a driver, motorcyclist, bike rider or a pedestrian.”

Tragically, WA is on track to record one of the worst years for road deaths in a decade, with 118 lives already lost.

“Someone is killed or seriously injured on a WA road every five hours. The impact on each individual and their family, friends and communities is widespread and lasts a lifetime,” Mr Golsby said.

“Maintaining and upgrading our roads plays a significant role in reducing road trauma. It’s important we continue to see high levels of road safety investment from governments.”

Of the 40 roads and intersections nominated as part of RAC’s last Risky Roads campaign in 2022, over half have plans in place for maintenance and upgrades, such as ongoing works on the South Western Highway (Bunbury to Walpole) and improvements to Farrall Road in Midvale.

Nominations are encouraged from all road users, from all parts of our state. You can cast your nomination at rac.com.au/riskyroads.


Media contact: RAC media team, 0401 703 719 or media@rac.com.au