What is a Target Market Determination?

A Target Market Determination describes who a product is appropriate for and any conditions around how the product can be distributed to customers. This is to ensure we're putting customers at the centre of how we design and distribute our financial products. 

From 5 October 2021, we're required to make Target Market Determinations available under the Treasury Laws Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers) Act 2019.

A hand holding a large coin

Personal loans

Personal loans (PDF 500KB)

Property development finance

Property Finance (PDF 497KB)
A pot plant with a flower growing, and a dollar sign in the middle


Secured Note Investment (PDF 497KB)
Product Development and Distribution Policy

RAC Finance designs and develops its financial products to meet the needs of Western Australian retail consumers. This includes an assessment of whether a product has been designed in a way that is likely to be consistent with the objectives, financial situation and needs of the “target market”, which is the class of consumers for whom the product is intended. To do this we rely upon information we have from a long history of providing value to members, to look at customer outcomes for past or similar products. We ensure the distribution of our products is directed towards the intended target market. Our products are distributed by companies within the RAC Group, so that we can closely monitor the quality of service provided to members. We will continue to monitor the development and distribution of our financial product offerings to ensure that customers are consistently at the centre of our approach.