Bicycles, scooters and skateboards are a fun and easy way to get around. This edition will teach students to think about and apply safe practices before they ride.

Students will learn about the importance and use of protective gear, how to check the safety of their bicycle, scooter or skateboard and how to spot and avoid hazards when they are out and about.

These free activity worksheets have been created to suit lower and upper primary students and encourage safe riding behaviours on and around the roads. They can be completed in sequence or individually.

Step 1: Learn about the safe use of bicycles, scooters and skateboards

Teachers, parents and caregivers should use our Little Legends road safety workbooks included in edition one of this distance learning series to discuss bicycle, scooter and skateboard safety with students before downloading these activities.

Lower primary

Around the Roads road safety workbook – lower primary (PDF 7.61MB)

Upper primary

Around the Roads road safety workbook – upper primary (PDF 7.61KB)

Step 2: Download activities below

Safety check poster

This safety check poster (PDF 709KB) will help children prepare for riding their bicycle, scooter or skateboard safely.

Lower primary

Activity 1: Be a safe rider (PDF 498KB) – Think about what you can do to stay safe.

Activity 2: Bicycle safety check (PDF 1.2MB) – Quick and easy ways to check your bicycle is safe.

Activity 3: Create a safety message (PDF 759KB) – Create a message to share with others.

Activity 4: Build a wheeled model (PDF 168KB) – Get creative and build your own bicycle, scooter or skateboard.

Activity 5: Riding safety bookmark (PDF 3.5MB) – Design your own bookmark cutout to remember safety tips.

Upper primary

Activity 1: Design a bicycle or scooter (PDF 1.5MB) – Think about safety features to add to your design.

Activity 2: Cycling cloze activity (PDF 943KB) – Fill in the blanks to learn more about bicycle safety.

Activity 3: Spot the hazards (PDF 979KB) – Help Little Legend Mel spot the dangers on her ride.

Activity 4: Agree or disagree (PDF 407KB) – Consider safe and unsafe riding behaviours.

Activity 5: Make a safe 3D skate park (PDF 522KB) – Get creative and design your own fun and safe skate park.

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