Choosing your next car should be an exciting experience, but the choice you make could be the difference between life and death.

I'm searching for...


Looks, efficiency, power and prestige - they're often the factors that spring to mind when choosing a new car. But none of these will protect you or your family in a crash.

When you sort by safety you focus your search on the safest options. Options that could save your life.


Support for stars on cars

80% of Western Australians support the mandatory display of safety ratings on all new and used vehicles

Most drivers don't know how safe their car is

55% of Western Australians don't know the safety rating of their current vehicle
Front view of a yellow car
Front view of a yellow car

Newer cars are safer

Your risk of death or serious injury in a crash in a vehicle manufactured in 2018 is around 40% less than in a vehicle manufactured in 2000

Safer cars commitment

Frequently asked questions about ANCAP and RAC's commitment to safety